Key Brandon Biggs Prophecies made until July 2024, Bible-based
Picture: Pale Horse with Death as Rider at the Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony
Here the video from April 20204 in which Brandon Biggs correctly predicted the details of the assassination attack on Donald Trump on July 13, 2024. He also correctly predicted that most/all accusations against Donald Trump would fall away or fail and he predicts that all this will make Trump become far more spiritual, feeling that God is on his side and that he should act in line with God.
He stated: This is the beginning of the sorrows: Matthew 24:8-13
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
More prophecies by Brandon Biggs - who was proven true - and his church: His Last Days 24/7 Channel Visions and prophetic warnings Partner channel where he also appears
Brandon Biggs’ key prophecies (coming out of prayers / dreams / visions):
1. There will be a big terror attack in Paris during the Olympic Games with the explosion of a building or a major fire, probably around the swimming area. Large areas of Paris will be burning as part of one or more terrorist attacks.
2. A green train going from Germany to France (maybe at Kehl/Strasbourg going over the Rhine) will have a bomb attached. That could be meant literally (such trains exist, e.g. Flixtrain and some old trains) or figuratively standing for the green agenda(s). In 2024 we’re already seeing a massive slump in EV (electric vehicle) sales and other green agenda collapses, e.g. regarding heat pumps (in Germany), hydrogen technology not maturing/not getting enough investments, etc.
3. There will be another terrorist assassination attack on Donald Trump by a beautiful blonde-haired woman with a beautiful twist in her hair and in a beautiful dress coming into a ball room.
4. Donald Trump still needs to fall onto his knees out of free will (not just forced by an assassination attempt) and accept Jesus as savior. Then he could become a truly enlightened President that could take extremely wise decisions and lead the USA out of the coming crises.
5. If Donald Trump doesn’t get elected, gets killed or doesn’t embrace Jesus, very dark times will come for the USA (and probably much of the Western world).
6. People – likely immigrants – will put poisonous things into the water along the Gulf Coast of the USA (and from Alabama to Houston) and bring other terrorist activities with many deaths.
7. Everything will accelerate regarding tech and spirituality and regarding all cycles: seed time and harvest. So invest in being spiritually with God and save the souls of your family and loved ones! Live a righteous life without (major) sins, especially without sexual sins. Tell them to trust in God and call for him in case of challenges. Those who won’t will die.
8. A more deadly virus than SARS-CoV 2/COVID-19 will come soon (2024/25) and escalate under the presidency of Donald Trump and start in Europe that will kill 350 million people (distributed relatively evenly over the world). COVID-19 killed more than 7 million people according to somewhat questionable statistics[1] – maybe it were just 3.5 million or less as they wanted to create panic and earn big with vaccines and their adverse effects and those treatments. That means that new p(l)andemic will be 50, 100 or even 200 times more deadly than COVID-19. Maybe it will be bird flu, i.e. H5N1? Obese people or those with other serious pre-existing conditions will die with much higher likelihood, so become fit: Lose weight, exercise frequently (>= 3.5 hours per week), eat natural lowly or ideally unprocessed foods. Don’t trust any food company – check them all and if you have doubts, avoid them. Also so-called “healthy” supplements are mostly unhealthy in that they contain dangerous chemicals. Avoid any ingredients that you don’t know or can’t pronounce properly, e.g. the E-number ingredients. States will again introduce lockdowns like stopping international and even many regional flights.
9. Believers shall fully rely in psalms 23 and 91 that God will help and not let down true believers and that we can fully trust him.
10. The Holy Ghost will outpour finances on God’s people (by inspiring them how to invest) or on a group of elite people who are supposed to pass it on to poorer people to feed them and thus fulfill God’s promises in the Bible to support his people. Still it is also valid that God prefers those who become active, i.e. in the end times to doomsday prepping, e.g. buying and stocking food, water and all other supplies for several months and ideally solar cells + inverter + diesel/water power generator.
11. Generally, humanity has hurt mother Earth too much with chemicals/pollution, destruction of ecosystems, etc. Earth will beat back with new plagues, earthquakes, droughts, fires, floods and other catastrophes.
12. Health: A new medicine will be invented with the help of the Holy Ghost that is both preventing and healing cancer (by a nutrition complement company). Big pharma will fight it as they want to continue to earn billions with their experimental gene therapies but will not succeed.
13. (Western) World economy: There will be a big crash coming worse than the great depression in the 1930, probably early 2025 (or 1-3 years later). Until then things will seemingly go well until October 2024 when economic/financial bubbles will burst but that will be hidden until after the US elections. In his vision it was like a big dam holding back toxic mud/sludge or waste with big 50 gallon barrels having writings on them like economic crisis, dollar collapse, financial collapse, bank structure collapse, bank collapse that was then purposefully opened to let evil unfold after the US elections. Until that Bitcoin will gain in price and the Iraqi Dinar will explode in value. God will help believers to invest wisely and make big profits. The US dollar will first lose 50% of value and then suddenly collapse altogether. The Euro will also collapse due to the war in Europe (Ukraine war extending into WW III). Many people will lose everything as also the stock markets crash suddenly. There will be long queues for food. The Western Luciferian states (North America with Canada and Mexico and later the EU and possibly the other 5-eye-countries like Britain, Australia, New Zealand) will introduce a new currency: Ame(u)ro, Dolleuro or similar and there won’t be financial borders between these countries. Donald Trump as new US president (possibly as a true Christian believer after his assassination attempt which he survived with God’s help) will try to put back the economy together, but will only partially succeed: Like a badly repaired airplane: It will fly but not well and certainly much worse than before. There will be 4 economic depression months or years symbolized by 4 oak trees in Brandon’s visions. The first will come suddenly. Month/year 2 and 3 will still be terrible and it will start to get better in month/year 4 – but many people will die of hunger or disease if they have not prepared well enough. After the Jewish Passover/Pesach fest in 2025 (i.e. after April 20, 2025) something very bad will happen, i.e. a crash or similar. People should prepare with prepping and also having solar cells, inverter, and tradeable items. There will be a big economic fight against the BRICS nations who will essentially be most nations except the Western Luciferian ones. God wants this to be a wakeup call and a humbling experience for the Western countries while still remembering and honoring the Plymouth Rock oath to make the USA one nation under God – bringing that spirit back with the great shaking. That is necessary because too many people are full of pride and only start to think once their precious things or most valued things are taken away. The time after that will then again be an opportunity for people to repent and live a godly life. After the 4 years a great awakening and revival will come and a great harvesting of souls (rapture).
14. USA: Earthquakes and floods will devastate California (and probably the entire US West Coast and also the East Coast). The middle of the USA will be split by a big earth quake from the Mississippi all the way up to the great lakes.
15. Russia is again bringing powerful (nuclear?) weapons to Cuba in 2024, as in the Cuba missile crisis many decades ago – but this time there is a weak US president Biden who is likely letting it happen just as he’s letting many other opportunities go by due to his bad cognitive health.
16. Israel: Will be attacked along the prophecy in Ezekiel 38[2]: Its neighbors will invade it, the USA won’t help and only with God’s help will Israel prevail. As punishment, the USA will be attacked by China, maybe with Russia’s or entire BRICS help.
17. An asteroid will be hitting the Atlantic Ocean and a massive tsunami hitting the Caribbean, Florida and Africa: Parts of the asteroid will fall apart and destroy some places, but the main flood waves will completely wipe out the Caribbean islands and will severely hit Florida and also hit Africa. People should avoid these places altogether when God sends them corresponding hunches beforehand.
18. The Western world will introduce CBDCs (central bank digital currency = programmable money) and use that and cameras and internet device surveillance and other mechanisms to surveil their citizens and make big steps in the direction of totalitarianism... The US dollar will lose half of its value/buying power (already happened from 2020 – 24, maybe again to then reach 25% of the value of 2020?).
19. World War III: France will build new nuclear weapons (on the way in 2024) and distribute them over Europe, especially along the border to Russia/Belarus/Ukraine which the Russian’s won’t like. There will be a big draft in Europe for soldiers to fight against the BRICS and women will be drafted equally (due to having equal rights) in America and Europe. Putin will become possessed by a demonic entity. Correspondingly, he’ll deploy a new super-powerful weapon that has never been used in Earth history and destroys most life forms but not so much the infrastructure (maybe a neutron bomb?) to the east of Warsaw, Poland – leading to gigantic destructions. With Poland as NATO country, that will pull in the entire West. (He didn’t go into the details, but that will probably mean a limited nuclear war, i.e. the destruction and irradiation of hundreds of cities and their regions in the BRICS states and the West. Brandon and others talked about people being guided by God to migrate into other areas/mountains before that happens where they can survive – people should follow their corresponding hunches. There will be civil wars and most people will die of lack of water or food or due to diseases or crimes).
20. Much talking about UFOs/UAPs is a sign for the end times as the deep state will want to use UFOs/UAPs in false narratives, lies or propaganda.
21. Rapture: Alien UFOs/UAPs will be said to have taken people (in reality all true and active Christian believers away, i.e. those that have become active and are known to God. Children up to the age of ~15 will also be taken away). In reality it was God/Jesus who have taken people away. That propaganda lie sounds questionable (but the unawakened sheeple without much critical thinking will believe much of this:) as probably more than a billion people would have to be taken away and all children be separated from their parents. Who/how would they take care of the babies? Maybe influenced by UFO/UAP reports. The Quran states that a wind will painlessly kill people and take their souls away into heaven as part of the rapture. That means that many lukewarm preachers and their followers and those who are not active in God won’t be saved – which will piss many people off. Even big donors who don’t truly believe and otherwise became active won’t be saved (especially if they as super-rich just donated some anyway inherited money that they don’t need). A key problem is “solo gratia”[3] (salvation only through God’s grace) that makes many people complacent and inactive in a false belief that if they’re not very big sinners they will be saved without having to do anything for that. That is wrong. It is as with the virgins who had their lamps but not enough oil and were punished and not let in[4]: We need to have our spiritual lamps and vases completely full, i.e. no lukewarm belief and no laziness are acceptable – praying to build up quantum energy and ethical acting count!
22. Antichrist / time of tribulation: The tribulation is about to begin: People must get out of sin, repent and pray to God to be part of the rapture before the worst part of the tribulation. Still it will be a very hard challenging time for most until the rapture – dark times are coming but after that also a massive harvest of souls for God (souls going to heaven). The temple in Israel will be re-built beautifully as known from Biblical prophecies. The anti-Christ will be there and demand to be worshipped each Friday. Children up to the age of ~15 will also have been taken away as part of the rapture. People who are left behind shall not have children as the time of tribulation will be too hard for them. However, some of them will have children for which it will then be very hard. Of course propaganda will say that the Christians were dispensable and that it’s good they’re gone. After the rapture, Christians will no longer emit positive calming energy that lets people sleep well and be calm and peaceful. A scientific experiment of our times has shown that more mediation/praying reduces crime measurably and statistically significantly. Here it will be the opposite: Civil wars will break out everywhere with gigantic amounts of crime everywhere and leaders won’t be able to control that and be desperate. Then the anti-Christ will call for a meeting in Berlin with key world leaders where he’ll propose his concept how to end the violence, uprisings and civil wars that threaten their power: As this seems to be the only alternative, the decision makers/heads of state within 1 hour give their powers (= rule over their countries) voluntarily (as predicted in the Bible) to the anti-Christ. Part of his solution strategy will be to give everybody the mark of the beast, an implant into the hand or forehead that will calm down all emotions and render people into zombies. That way they also lose free will, cannot learn from failures anymore (Earth as spiritual school stops working for them) and their praying and their souls will belong to the devil. Everybody who accepts that mark will belong to the devil and without the mark, it will not be possible to buy or sell or to get advanced medical services in cities. Drones and scanners at entrances will surveil that everyone has a valid mark. Those who don’t accept or have a mark at these entrances will be killed immediately and standers-by won’t care if somebody gets killed as they are all already like zombies. Drones will patrol the land for people without marks and they will check it electronically via radio frequencies. Just the drones’ heat/IR sensors will be under-developed so that Christians have a slight chance to flee or migrate at night to new locations. Many will go into caves or build caves or underground caves where they can have small fires that can’t easily be detected to warm themselves. Troopers/police will hunt those without marks, use big black cars for that and use energy weapons that can in rapid fire incapacitate people by rendering them unconscious: But not like a Taser but with energy beams. The flag of the anti-Christ will resemble that of the Afghan North Alliance with a big green stripe in the middle, the world with golden sabers in palm leaves (standing for prosperity and strictness in applying justice) on both sides and with 5 stars for the 5 pillars of Islam (faith, prayer, fasting, almsgiving, pilgrimage) or 5 terrorist organizations like ISIS/Daesh, Al Kaida, Hamas, etc. (or the 3 colors green + white + black might stand for them) and he will be an (Saudi) Arabian wanting to rule over the entire world: This antichrist Dajjal might mask as or pose as Mahdi and be celebrated as such by Muslims. 3.5 year will be weak tribulation and another 3.5 years will be strict tribulation with these prosecutions and killings. After that the second coming of Christ will happen. The anti-Christ will likely be a Saudi-Arabian prince. He will use freemason temples as place for worship and have bibles be burnt close by, e.g. at the Masonic Temple (Scottish Rite) in Guthrie, OK, USA: Grand Lodge of Oklahoma AF&AM, 102 S Broad St, Guthrie, OK 73044, United States:
(20 miles north of Oklahoma City). Grand displays will be at the side of the lodge/temple for people to worship the anti-Christ each Friday. Millions will come to the region due to the earthquakes, floodings and other disasters at the US West coast. The Anti-Christ will use the crypto currency Ripple (XRP) as means of payment. XRP will therefore/also have the biggest gains. Recommendable as rising stars are also Stellar (XLM) and Orchid (OXT).
23. It helps to pray against negative prophecies (= warnings) and for positive outcomes. He does this each day and asks us to join in.
Special Guest Bo Polny Prophetic Word: Where we are in the End Times | Kim Clement: I saw gold go way above 10 000 dollars an ounce, silver go way above 175 dollars an ounce:
In early Sept. 2024 something is going to happen (maybe USD losing 33% to 50% of its value, mineral/crypto prices going up, disasters/humbling of the USA, 3 days of darkness; On Oct. 24, 2024 the stock market is likely going to crash – 100 year anniversary of the 1924 crash).
25. 3 evil men / terrorists who have been crossing the US southern border in Arizona illegally will try to stage another 9/11-like event[5]. Explosions will be going inside-out will happen in two high buildings/sky scrapers like the Trump tower – possibly in New York, Chicago, etc. They will get help by many sleeper terrorists who will come out of their hideouts and will stage an evil series of terror attacks. In the vision they looked like ants coming suddenly out of the ground. This will overwhelm the USA and its people and cause gigantic chaos and terror.
26. China will invade Taiwan but before that will attack Hawaii taking out the US military bases to take that as a midway point – like a second Pearl Harbor. A transparent Chinese dragon was hitting probably the Kentucky area, perhaps a symbolism for a cyber-attack and it will last for 3 weeks. Some cities will be out of power for 3 weeks – probably a black November (Chris Reed).
27. China/BRICS will cut off medication supplies to the USA and possibly other countries, i.e. there will be a major shortage around that time of blood pressure, other heart and other major common diseases. So people should stock as much medicines as they can on which their lives depend. (Others predicted that the BRICS or luciferians could poison these medicines to kill people with these diseases, e.g. to save costs). But there will not just be supply chain disruptions regarding medicines but also regarding all other Chinese goods. Only some stores will open that will pull in all available goods from multiple stores and even they won’t have a complete offering. Trade wars will come due to this.
28. The economic dam will break (planned and brought about by saboteurs in the dark) in Sept-Oct. 2024 and will bring the catastrophic economic crash. He got the vision of a person (Jerome Powell for the Fed?) blowing into a balloon that will pop at that time. It could mean inflation and/or debt collapse. Also all real estate markets (private houses/apartments, commercial real estate, office buildings) will be shaken. It will have historic dimensions – but might get less if many people intercede/pray against this.
29. On August 24, 2024[1] the first domino for the anti-Christ will fall, e.g. the BRICS or Muslim countries uniting and e.g. having control over most oil. A major deception will likely happen. Don’t get into fear mode but be happy that Jesus will return soon. Japan has already started poisoning the oceans with nuclear waste water. Brandon saw a Python coming out of the water and squeezing America, i.e. probably a major earthquake for the USA. A brown-haired short-cut woman will do something in November 2024. More shifting regarding the US presidency candidates/politics will come in fall, e.g. around Kamala Harris’ running mate. A financial and economic crash will come in fall, but people can ask the Holy Ghost for guidance and as true believers will likely get it – overall leading to an outpouring for true believers – opportunities in times of crisis. Global warming and droughts will intensify, e.g. affecting the Democratic convention in summer. People should do doomsday prepping: Having food supplies, a well, a power generator, .. There will be serious outages and famines. A shift is coming to revive the Biblical Babylon/Iraq (i.e. the evil/devilish/corrupt empire). Jason Janas based on his NDE/RED claims to have seen that only around 1 billion people will survive the global famines and wars[2]. He also claims that our world mostly is an illusion, religious scriptures are mostly manipulated and that souls can also incarnate into the past, e.g. into ancient Roman times which also would mean that we can’t change the pre-determined course of history, neither through collaborative actions nor through praying.
30. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti[3]: COVID was the white horse (conquering by deception or medical crisis: medical personnel in white), the red horse (war, murder, mayhem) could be another civil war in the USA, the black horse (inflation and famine or a coming worse plandemic than COVID-19, standing for black death?), the pale/green horse comes with death from war, famine, pestilence and wild beasts but could also be a consequence of the delusional green agenda (just shifting wealth to the super-rich instead of helping Earth). These 4 colors that for a number of Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, and Afghanistan. The trigger for the anti-Christ will be displayed by these 4 colors and the main perpetrators of injustice against USA and Israel will share these 4 colors. Evil forces will design a new virus with the help of AI to kill 350 million people and a special target will be obese people and the medicines they need against high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. These medicines might also run out of supply or be poisoned (e.g. due to faked medicines by fraudsters). In early 2027 (2.5 years from summer 2024 or 3.5 years from summer 2023), a big famine will happen in the USA and probably many parts of the world. Regarding the false prophet of Revelation 13, he thinks[4] the Bible part of Noah and the trump(et) blown could stand for Donald Trump (with a positive role in the future) and Yuval Noah Harari, the prophet/thinker of the WEF and probably the second false prophet of the Bible that will be thrown into the fire according to pastor Steve Cioccolanti. He cites several blasphemous phrases of Noah Harari, e.g. the Bible being wrong and technology/AI possibly being the better sources of truth or God.
31. Christian Widener’s Claim[5]: Tribulation time is from 2020-2027 with scientific / Biblical evidence.
Who is the Satanic False Prophet of Revelation 13? | As in the Days of Noah
(free Spanish PDF download)
Who is the Satanic False Prophet of Revelation 13? | As in the Days of Noah
Chris Reed:
1. A big earthquake with volcanic eruptions is going to shake Japan and especially Tokyo with thousands of deaths.
2. Another assassination attempt on Trump or another presidential candidate will happen.
3. Trump will be threatened in a building with explosives installed.
4. There will be a red October 2024: China and Russia uniting to carry out terrorist attacks on the USA, disrupt the intelligence and/or invade Taiwan in Sept-Oct. 2024. The Taiwan invasion will be ultimately unsuccessful. China is trying to get support from Russia for this and in return will keep supporting the Ukraine invasion.
5. Sabotages – likely by China and Russia - will happen in the USA against the infrastructure especially the power grid to bring about many black outs.
6. Insurrections/unrests/riots will happen in Paris and France due to mass immigration and resistance to the government. Around the Paris Olympics there will be fires and (terrorist) attacks. Paris will be a hotbed of unrest and turbulence.
7. Macron will fall out of popularity for a season. His name macron means the mark.
8. Kamala Harris will not be seen as strong enough to oppose China and Russia
9. Donald Trump health scare will happen but that will not stop him.
10. Foreign powers like Iran might try to capture the US government, possibly with BRICS help, e.g. from China. Affected cities of terrorist attacks by Islamists might be Dallas, Seattle, LA, DC, Atlanta, and Detroit. It could be an attempt in stages trying to hijack the US government.
11. A significant deep economic crash is going to come after the US elections for the USA which is going to be a controlled demolition. It will take president Trump 3-4 years to bring the economy back to where it should be, mainly based on oil/drilling. They will try to blame Trump for the economic downturn.
12. There will be a sustained longer period of food shortages and economic collapse (vision of cob webs in empty food stores) and even very rich people in Brioni suits will stand for miles in waiting queues for food.
13. President Trump will intercede, i.e. pray with priests for a revival of the USA and this will work like shock waves when reanimating a heart and it will crack open the black layer and push the blackness above the tree lines. As a consequence there will likely also come a great spiritual revival and then later a great harvest of a billion believer-souls (for paradise/eternal life) world-wide. There will be signs and wonders of Jesus beyond anybody’s comprehension.
14. In the second half of 2024 we’re on the verge of WW III, terror attacks, further wars (against Taiwan, etc.), Chinese infiltration, etc. But the greatest (spiritual) revivals always happened when people were under stress or persecution – and it will likely be again like this and that might also be the reason why it is being brought about – to humble people and make them rethink things.
Thomas Poetter thoughts:
The virus for a new pandemic could be distributed at the Paris Olympics and might only produce mild symptoms in athletes but then be distributed into their countries where people might only die in masses once it is too late to contain the virus. An explosion in a building could distract and prevent news about symptoms in athletes. People taking vacations afterwards could also help the virus and the dirty Seine might be blamed initially and win time for the virus. COVID is said to have been distributed as part of the World Military Games in Wuhan 2019[5]. Pupils in France were told that school might not resume in September due to a pandemic...
German: Das Virus für eine neue Pandemie könnte bei den Olympischen Spielen in Paris verbreitet werden und bei den Athleten nur leichte Symptome hervorrufen, dann aber in ihre Länder gelangen, wo die Menschen erst massenhaft sterben, wenn es zu spät ist, das Virus einzudämmen. Eine Explosion in einem Gebäude könnte ablenken und verhindern, dass über Symptome bei Sportlern berichtet wird. Menschen, die danach Urlaub machen, könnten dem Virus ebenfalls Vorschub leisten, und die verschmutzte Seine könnte anfangs für die Symptome verantwortlich gemacht werden und für das Virus Zeit gewinnen. COVID soll im Rahmen der World Military Games in Wuhan 2019 verteilt worden sein. Schülern in Frankreich wurde mitgeteilt, dass die Schule im September wegen einer Pandemie möglicherweise nicht wieder aufgenommen wird.
#Paris2024 #Olympics: "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death", Revelation 6:8 #PaleHorse[6]
#Paris2024 #Olympic opening #symbolism:
The pale horse with the rider death were haunting, reaching the nations and leading them and their path.
Death and evil were ascending and with wings for spreading like a shroud over the nations.
Rays of light were only coming from below, not from above. It seemed like an Ichabod (absence of God’s glory) with massive rain only over the Paris region, quasi a satanic wet t-shirt show.
An unholy last supper/communion was staged with drag artists and a child made to resemble Jesus and the 12 apostles the night before his crucifixion in Da Vinci’s masterpiece and allusions to golden calf worship. The central blue artist, a mostly naked man/LGBTIQ+ person, was posing as flesh and the embodiment of the deadly sin of lust with a blue body where that could stand for his mood, (alcoholic/drug) intoxication or delusional status.
The pale horse idea seems to come from Beyoncé and the people behind her with their possibly satanic-renaissance world tour with a similar horse and not even wearing a t-shirt.
Revelation 6:8 predicts: “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.” Then come the seven trumpets and the wrath of God killing large shares of humanity: hail and fire, an asteroid impacting with earthquakes/floodings, modern (nuclear) weapons, darkness, stingy locusts, and armies.
To know more, especially regarding the modern world, look at “Behold a pale horse” by Milton William Cooper.
Remember the 1992 Olympic "ritual" that foretold the "virus" (cough cough): Corona-like virus, antibody made out of dead humans, humans dying, black hydra, black goo being injected:
Rationale: We can hope that such predictions become too much for the luciferians/satanists and that they let it go because their patterns of action are simply too obvious and predictable.
Key source videos: #Prophetic: Visions and prophetic warnings
My dream about four massive oak trees and telling you again about the angel visitation that I had
Prophetic warning what the Lord showed me is coming to pass
The lord showed me the start of WW3
What the Lord showed me about World War III
What the Lord showed me in tribulation
I had a dream: What the Lord said that another virus was coming
I had a visitation from the Lord when I was praying for Israel
Jesus took me to the Tribulation and gave me a glimpse of what’s to come I had this visitation 2014
The Lord showed me an asteroid hitting the Atlantic Ocean and a massive tsunami hitting the Caribbean, Florida and Africa.
Prophetic warning, John Kilpatrick
Things I’m praying about right now the warnings the Lord is showing me today
Everything the Lord told me about the economic collapse on America
More about the economic crash | Prophetic Word
Places Jesus showed me in Tribulation (in Guthrie, OK)
The lord told me the cure for cancer is coming
The Lord showed me Paris on fire