Potentialism/PerConFlow (PCF) Summary

PCF is an ethical fair upgrade to capitalism to be able for the first time to solve all key problems. Probably the first and only validated solution concept to our key problems that is winning over the world. Learn quickly about it to know what to expect and benefit from the new insights!

Compared to other proposals/models, ours had been validated by several dozen professors and a hundred PhDs or professional academics. So, it is as professional and down-to earth as it can get.

Charlie Munger (Warren Buffet's business partner) famously said: "Show me the incentive and I will show you the outcomes". Based on this the Potentialism idea is to optimize our societies around optimal incentives, i.e. maximizing for net beneficial work and minimizing corruption and fraud.

Problems of current capitalism (that we solve): There is no viable suggestion how to finance and solve any of these problems in current capitalism – at the same time the world’s biggest problems:

1.       Nature: Pollutions, droughts, fires, floodings, plagues, pandemics, global warming/desertification, overfishing, need for quick de-carbonization, sweet water and soil scarcity, loss of up to 50% of the arable land, famines, mass migrations, each day a billion dollar disaster by 2030 and the other UN SDGs (sustainable development goals). Novel (dangerous chemical) entities[1] (e.g. organic pollutants, radioactive materials, nanomaterials, and micro-plastics) as pollutants. Minimizing the change of biogeochemical flows: Altered flows/cycles of nitrogen and phosphorous (N & P) and negative Land-system change (e.g. deforestation), ocean acidification, freshwater scarcity, stratospheric ozone depletion, atmospheric aerosol loading (microscopic particles in the atmosphere that affect climate and living organisms). Small losses of biodiversity can lead to ecosystem collapses: When animals that control other resources disappear, this resource can become overabundant and destroy the ecosystem. Biodiversity is also needed to fight diseases & pests and derive new drugs.

2.       Respecting the limits of the earth’s resources, exponential population growth/over-population.

3.       International inequalities leading to big instabilities: Hunger, pandemics/diseases, lack of opportunity/hopelessness, radicalization (terrorism, drugs, wars, ...).

4.       Rapidly opening financial scissors in society, growing levels of income inequality, failing to pay a living wage to many, little or no solution to persistent poverty/unemployment.

5.       Automation job-loss problem, not enough human jobs.

6.       Rapid decline in buying power of freely disposable income for many while some costs typically explode: Medical, housing, energy, education, military, construction/corruption, ...

7.       Some economic sectors with price/corruption explosion and/or blackmailing others (e.g. medical care, housing, banking, insurance, military, energy, ...).

8.       Big inefficiencies, wastes and harming on personal and organizational levels.

9.       Societal sclerosis/social encrustation: Fewer people doing net beneficial practical work: Jobs in offices as a favor/nepotism[2], more corruption/fraud, exploding legal barriers, regulations, bureaucracy and lawsuits, rapidly increasing (avoidable) chronic diseases (long COVID, psychiatric issues, disallowing operations and cheap treatments where expensive pharmaceutical therapies exist like for hypoparathyroidism (HPT) etc.) based on a trend to put little money into research and therapy for these diseases to make big pharma and some doctors/therapists richer), more speculation, more coffee klatch, more excuses, more incompetence and corruption with circular blame games/mobbing, less education/qualification, less fair competition. That happens e.g. when people/organizations can make more money by not solving problems or not fully doing their work but by delegating it or selecting half-working pseudo-innovative solutions based on bribery money instead.

10.   Breakdown of public services/companies due to bureaucracy/corruption/complacency/inefficiency/lack of finance for disrespected parts like police, law enforcement, healthcare, administration, public research, public health/pandemics (massive costs and loss of productivity from (long) COVID), over-ageing of societies, nursing emergencies.

11.   Minimizing crime and corruption rates, too much self-interest, fraud and consumer debt/default at the expense of community and commons. Letting politicians and business interests collaborate to subvert the economic interests of the majority of citizens.

12.   Recessions and economic instability with big harm to people and organizations.

13.   Loss of competitiveness to China & Silicon Valley, especially during COVID-19.

14.   Mindsets/skills: Less education, less continuous deliberate learning and practicing to be and stay among the top, less openness/perceiving, more prejudice/judging, more fake news, more hate, less cooperation, lower attention spans, more ADD, less care, more outrage and hate (on social media), ...

15.   Minimizing international tensions, (trade) wars, (economic/fiscal) sabotage, ...

16.   Quickly rising prices (energy, food, health), (hyper-) inflation & insufficient supplies coinciding with mass unemployment can let many people die or cause uprising.

17.   Explosion of national debts / printing money / big risks of hyper-inflation or debt collapse.

18.   Predictable and stable monetary instruments and policy without creating increasingly more debts and minimizing both purely financial speculation and hoarding of money (none of the monetary models have proven to be viable).

19.   Misdirected incentives, too narrow and short-term focus on organizational, profit and GDP growth; corporate profit maximization and societal interests often misaligned (e.g. no interesting in developing a COVID vaccination with long-term effect); not enough social values; lack of win-win-principle, fairness and happiness in the market equation.

20.   Insufficient accountability and liability for human/medical, social and environmental and societal/political costs.

21.   Political inefficiencies and problems: Little trustworthiness, gerrymandering, pressurizing and counter-pressure, gridlocks, media synchronization, blockages, reversing each other’s politics, growing role of money with many negative effects (higher entry hurdles, moral obligations, high time investment, questionable business relationships, nepotism/corruption, ...), adopting more extreme positions to get heard, conflict-prone systemic relationships, difficulty to pass new law even if urgent or objectively right, insufficient accountability on all levels, consistency in legislation and foreign relationships beyond electoral periods, too much power of lobbies, blackmailing with secret knowledge, disliking each other, lack of cooperation and looking for the common good.

22.   Bubbles and ensuing crashes: Stock, derivate and crypto markets, house/immobile prices, food prices, explosion in many shipment and supply prices, less net disposable incomes to feed the bubbles and the debts.

23.   Permitting or not prosecuting unethical deeds and business sufficiently with typically negative impact on society or the majority of people, e.g. forms of nepotism/corruption, politicians and business interests collaborating to subvert the economic interests of the majority of citizens (vaccine, mask and test companies during the COVID pandemic), unfair competition, manipulative or incorrect media/advertising, fake news/false narratives, click baits, turning the human psychology against humanity, distracting, lowering attention spans, dividing society, not giving equal fair opportunities, businesses that create addictions, unfairly exploiting the plight of others (soaring healthcare/drug/housing/rent/energy prices), ...

24.   Victimization by divide and conquer, fears, mass psychosis induction, individualization and distractions mainly through (social) media and talk, stipulating dangerous views, trends and effects: dividing, individualizing, selfishness, self-overestimation, arrogance, prejudices, less personality development, less (continuing auto-didactic) education, popping up of more and more belief groups, sexual orientations, fetishes and perversions, quarreling between the groups, needless discussions around hardly relevant details (e.g. yellow press topics), many freaky non-scientific views, becoming easy to manipulate or defraud[3], dumbing down, demanding ever more simplification while rejecting to even try to understand detailed descriptions or complex things, culture of superficial indignation/outrage (overlooking the real problems); inability to discuss objectively or cooperate efficiently, see the bigger need, run and finish projects efficiently and fairly.

25.   The road to hell is paved with good intentions[4]: Complacency, unconscious incompetence, ignorance, jumpiness (starting but not thinking and following things through), laziness, brushing things/people off, partial or half-baked solutions and abuse of power leading to bigger failures or damage and people accepting mediocrity/low quality, arrogance or failure. Making up stories or advice, accepting just anecdotal evidence as truth, incomplete understanding/knowledge/analysis and consequently incomplete procedures/activities. These are systematic effects in large parts of politics, media, public services, legal system, healthcare, education, fighting crime/corruption, ... If media or politics start the narratives “It’s being taken care of” or “There’s hope”, the coming to nothing or failure percentage is ~99%. If they do not even say that (like for these 25+ big problems), it’s bound to fail. Only if they allocate a concrete budget to a concrete plan with liabilities, the chances are better. If you look at any failed project, political idea/agenda or company, you’ll find that media was fed or found a positive twitch, people tried, but not hard enough. Without change, the same is going to happen with these 25+ big challenges. E.g. during COVID-19 to allow for testing, but have that lead only to negative consequences for the infected person (apart from having to wait in the cold for many hours each for an antivirus and then again for a PCR test), not fully elucidating about symptoms, prevention, incubation time, treatment, not helping people to avoid further infections like special medical care and medications for COVID infected people, having people do shopping for them, compensating people to not go to work and infect others so that all these deficits lead to these people infecting many others.

26.   Many countries do not have enough inter-generational justice and/or are overaging and consequently run into financial trouble, mostly when baby boomers will retire. Examples are Japan, Italy, Germany, China, etc. In Germany, by 2035 the social deductions will be around 50% and many public employers and companies won’t be able to finance their retirement promises.[5]

PerConFlow proposes how to solve all of these problems!

PerConFlow solves our problems mainly by paying/rewarding people and companies differently - based on the value they produce for society - avoiding any misdirected incentives.

This purely altruistic capitalism advancement PerConFlow (PCF) is an innovative socio-economic model, i.e. upgrade of our capitalism to version 6. This model is driven, among others, by latest possibilities through AI (artificial intelligence) (in English, you may take over everything or even parts for your work). Our model is without commercial interests, meets over 75 scientific quality criteria and can contribute significantly to the modernization of society:


How can we as a society solve the problems of today's society (Automation job-loss problem, crime/corruption, injustices/the gap between rich and poor is opening faster and faster, misaligned incentives, inefficiency in many places, unaffordability/price explosions [rents, fuel, good medical treatment, healthy food], global warming, UN SDGs, predictable stable monetary policy, deteriorating competitiveness, debt explosion, ...) with the help of the latest technologies? Politicians have no solution to ANY of these problems!!!

PerConFlow is a new socio-economic model (SEM) that strives to offer in practical ways equal opportunity for all while acknowledging that outcomes are unequal but that a focus on perseverance and conscientiousness (short: PerCon) pursuing long-term goals, ideally in (group) flow state dramatically improves the success probabilities on a personal level. For people who are not very rich, those properties are more promising than grit[6] - based on latest research.

Our Capitalism 6.0 society model proposal is based on them, along with hundreds of other factors.

An innovative angle of this model: what new possibilities are opened by latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics, Computer Vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), paired with Blockchains, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs = digital art), Virtual and eXtended Reality (VR/XR) with virtual worlds, also called metaverses, modern e-learning, mental training and other exponential technologies, especially when applied in synergy.

Now, for example, it is possible to prevent or avoid most crime, corruption, and misaligned incentives by paying people with a fully tracked and monitored cryptocurrency based on the net benefits they produce. This can be assessed by analyzing their performance using the latest AI techniques described below.

UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals, DE: Sustainable Development Goals like stopping climate change): If you look, Wikipedia says that no one considers the UN SDGs fundable with our existing models. However, PerConFlow suggests how to finance them.

This concept strives to be innovative or unique regarding these criteria:

1.       Probably the first time the world’s top 25+ problems were identified and described.

2.       Probably the first socio-economic concept that is able to solve most human problems.

3.       Probably the first modern socio-economic concept to have been reviewed by dozens of academics.

4.       First concept to propose a detailed realistic solution to all 25+ of the world’s top 25+ problems – and most other problems.

5.       First big societal vision and implementation strategy towards a bright fair high-tech ethical future for everybody.

6.       First concept to that’s optimized for the long-term prosperity and well-being of entire societies with all citizens.

7.       First concept to propose a detailed realistic path towards a fully ethical scientific high-tech StarTrek-like future.

8.       First concept to allow a consistent and fair financing of the UN SDGs (sustainable development goals) with the green new deal without putting anybody into poverty, politics to protect mother nature and transform the economy into a sustainable one leading to only sustainable i.e., minimal global warming, pollution, overexploitation, extinction of species, etc.

9.       First concept to dramatically accelerate the human scientific-technological development.

10.   First concept to end all work that does not benefit humanity.

11.   First concept to eliminate all false incentives, end most cheating, corruption and crime.

12.   First concept to treat everybody in it fairly and to really allow everybody to reach their maximal potential.

13.   First concept to systematically address all root causes for crime, hate and psychological issues.

14.   First concept to systematically minimize all types of economic wastes and to optimize all social and economic outcomes.

15.   First concept to maximally limit the damage that can be done by individuals or groups of people.

16.   First concept to minimize or eliminate all unethical and unfair practices, e.g., regarding exploitation, taking advantage, manipulating, mobbing, defamation, defrauding, lying, etc.

17.   First concept in which taking responsibility has the original meaning of the word, i.e., also being liable for one’s (in)actions.

18.   First concept to avoid the in 2022 immanent and future recessions and economic crashes.

Figure 1: Concept map of important PerConFlow ideas

Core Ideas of PerConFlow

1.       Elimination of most crime, all corruption and misdirected incentives in favor of efficient collaboration, UN SDGs e.g. environmental protection.

2.       Adopting best practices and innovations of industrial analysts, VCs and investment banks but applying and automating them for the good of society.

3.       AI to automate everything (if desired) to minimize bureaucracy and speed up decisions.

4.       AI analyzes & orchestrates everything, being fed & controlled by humans.

5.       State or society remunerates everybody based on net beneficial value (NBV) of the results of their work instead of wages.

6.       Shifts away from less beneficial work or professions (speculation, marketing, sales, legal work for corporations) towards efficient practical science/innovations, medical, social, care and environmental work.

7.       One cryptocurrency as a state's only currency with requirement for valid reasons for payments: Provides transparency and minimizes corruption and crime.

8.       Everything ethical; avoiding recessions and any disruptions; exploiting our creativity instead of nature, optimizing the entire society, science & R&D

9.       If required, each citizen gets a low UBI (universal basic income), free education and healthcare and is expected to improve their persistency, conscientiousness and (working/ideating in) flow (state) and collaborative skills – the properties that most likely lead to success in life and are the root of the name.

We’re just discussing far too inefficient Solutions

We as society must become much more efficient at the highest levels and start immediately (improving each year by ~5% globally in all 25+ problem categories to avoid big catastrophes. If you’ve ever tried to improve by 5% regarding the points you get across all school/college/university subjects, you know how hard this is):

1.       Reduction of CO2 emissions, stop of deforestation, electric vehicles, and all other currently discussed topics: All just maximally lead to ~0.1% yearly improvements each in just a single major problem category (out of 25+).

2.       To prevent the collapse of nature or our economies/civilization, we need to improve by several percent per year in all major problem categories. That means that we need to improve 10x-100x faster than currently.

3.       We need to think and act much bigger!

4.       This can only be achieved by massive systemic shifts:

a)      We must all become more efficient at a personal and team level (more cooperation, fewer conflicts).

b)      Crime and especially corruption must be minimized.

c)       We must eliminate all misdirected incentives.

d)      We must eliminate all unethical, manipulative or exploitive/abusive/zero-sum activities.

e)      We must fix all major issues of current capitalism.

f)       We must efficiently get to objectively good decisions.

g)      We must exploit our creativity instead of nature.

h)      We do not have much time for discussing and testing.

How these Problems could hit Individuals personally (same order as above)

1.       People will die earlier due to heat and tropical infections. Sweet water scarcity, loss of arable land, mass migrations increases cost, each day a billion dollar disaster by 2030 and ecosystem collapses: New drugs do not get developed because the animal or plant from which it could have been derived became extinct.

2.       There are just not enough resources for survival.

3.       Death from hunger, disease, terror, war, etc.

4.       Unemployment or increased poverty, inability to pay bills while working while others become richer.

5.       Job loss because an AI, robot or machine does it. Alternatively, it could be outsourced to low wage countries or others to which this has happened offer to work for less in your position: lower pay.

6.       Some costs explode and an inability to afford things like these any more: Medical, housing, energy, education.

7.       All tax payer money goes to banksters, military and other corrupt or fraudulent people.

8.       Inefficient governments and companies, sabotage/sue each other and create little value or even harm.

9.       The costs explode to get anything practical done or get a disease cured: Most institutions are increasingly incompetent, bureaucratic or corrupt.

10.   No more public services – no recourse to being defrauded, sick, unemployed.

11.   Frequent victimization of crimes, blackmail and bribery are rampant.

12.   Job loss during most recessions and an inability to buy necessities due to lack of supplies or too high prices.

13.   Employment only exists for richest or highest IQ people in a handful of western corporations and in some Chinese regions. All others are unemployed or low wage slaves.

14.   Inability to comprehend the chaos and misery or effectuate positive change due to just different superstition and false narratives being discussed that distract people from the real issues, having to work all waking hours and education has become unaffordable.

15.   Dire poverty due to (trade) wars, and economic/fiscal sabotage.

16.   Consideration of accepting imminent death or participate in an uprising to fight against quickly rising prices & insufficient supplies coinciding with mass unemployment.

17.   Money becomes worthless within months (hyper-inflation) or overnight (debt collapse/monetary reform).

18.   Classical money has no more value. Bartering or trying to find the 0.001% of crypto currencies that might rise.

19.   Mandatory overtime but a few months later the company crashes due to lack of innovation or materialized risks.

20.   Companies reorganize or otherwise give worse jobs or contracts forcing you relocation, less time for families, environmental destruction, etc.

21.   Governments/administration(s) do not get much done, mostly quarreling, bribing, paying lawyers, suing.

22.   Loss of many investments and possibly jobs or companies due to a crash. Banks might force people to pay back credits by selling off investments at low rates.

23.   Unethical business and profits to peoples’ disadvantage, manipulating people, governments, authorities, peoples’ partners/employers.

24.   Manipulation into strange (sexual) hobbies and conspiracy theories, electoral choices, to buy useless or non-functioning products/services and to effectively die early in poverty.

25.   Problems only seemingly get worked on or solved. In reality much does not get solved or even gets worse (e.g. debts, corruption, ...). The public just takes peoples’ and organizations’ money and does not help much, e.g. allowing people to get defrauded.

26.   Gigantic old age deductions, youth inherit gigantic debts and broken systems (while previous generations might have lived well beyond their means) but ensuing generations will not get much, elderly spend end of life or even entire life in poverty.

Overview: How this Concept solves the top Issues

Big Problem

Solution in PCF / Potentialism

1.       Nature: Pollutions, droughts, fires, floodings, plagues, pandemics, global warming/desertification

These problems are solved with the new reward function around NBV and by accelerating innovation, here in the field of green tech/decarbonization. Around 50% of the GDPs would be shifted away from speculation, marketing, sales etc. towards net beneficial activities.

2.       Respecting the limits of the earth’s resources

These problems are solved with the new reward function around NBV.

3.       International inequalities leading to big instabilities

Fair trade and development aids, allowing any country to reach maximal performance levels if the introduce PCF.

4.       Growing levels of income inequality

Income is determined by net benefit value (NBV) delivered and is normalized across the population. Bosses can no longer determine their income.

5.       Automation job-loss problem

Money is systematically re-invested and many new job types are created and paid by society, e.g. caring/coaching/education jobs which also partially prevent crime, diseases like depression, etc.

6.       Rapid decline in buying power of freely disposable income for many

Everybody is fairly paid regarding NBV and minimally gets the UBI (universal basic income) and prices are calculated ethically on that basis.

7.       Economic sectors with price/corruption explosion blackmailing others

Elimination of most crime and all corruption by e.g. only having one fully trackable crypto currency. Prices are calculated ethically.

8.       Big inefficiencies on personal and organizational levels

New team-based management techniques in which everybody can reach their full potential and efficiency, also maximizing flow state and cooperation.

9.       Societal sclerosis: Fewer people doing net beneficial practical work

Elimination of most crime, building everything with maximal efficiency in mind on personal, team and organizational levels; offering the best-fitting therapies, minimizing mobbing, enforcing ethical fair principles.

10.   Breakdown of public services (bureaucracy, corruption, ...)

Elimination of most crime, building everything with maximal efficiency in mind on personal, team and organizational levels.

11.   Minimizing crime and corruption rates

Main measures: One central controlled and monitored crypto currency, each transfer must have a valid purpose, fighting drugs, monitoring some top decision makers and criminals, educating people (on jobs and regarding ethics), having a UBI and free healthcare for everybody so that people do not have to steal.

12.   Recessions and economic instability

A new monetary system not creating new money with credits. One central controlled crypto currency, having to re-invest money (not allowing to hoard it), no interest paid (except for success percentages), minimizing credits but reinvesting capital instead and giving the ROI back to investors (dividends, higher share prices).

13.   Loss of competitiveness

Accelerated innovation for everybody; equal opportunity for all regions with equal politics and thematic clusters of excellence, fair determination of prices, no monopolies. No speculation.

14.   Mindsets/skills: Less education, more fake news, more hate, less cooperation, lower attention spans, more ADD, less care, more outrage and hate (on social media), ...

Reversing all man-made trends that led to deteriorations through different politics, regulating IT and media companies, education and healthcare programs, new optimized news and publication systems, etc. No speculation.

15.   Minimizing (trade) wars, (economic/fiscal) sabotage

Applying the principles of ethical cooperation also on an international level. No race to the bottom regarding taxation, no speculation, etc.

16.   Inflation & insufficient supplies coinciding with mass unemployment

Inflation is under control because no debts have to be created anymore and everybody receives fair payment. Several competing central planning and prognosis units optimize overall resource and work allocation.

17.   Explosion of national debts

No more debts have to be created except in emergency situations (after which they are reduced again) due to a new monetary system. Mainly money is re-invested and hoarding money is forbidden. No interest is paid but only profit/growth percentages.

18.   Predictable and stable monetary instruments and policy

Implemented through the introduction of a new monetary system in which debts are the exception but re-investment of money is the main mechanism. No interest is paid but only profit/growth percentages.

19.   Misdirected incentives, too narrow and short-term focus on organizational, profit and GDP growth; corporate profit maximization and societal interests often misaligned, not enough social values

Misdirected incentives are mainly removed with the new reward function NBV (net benefit value) on a societal level. The societal focus is simply shifted by laws and practice with corresponding practical measures that contribute better to long-term macro-economic net beneficial effects.

20.   Insufficient accountability and liability

Based on NBV and laws, each person is fully accountable by law (except for the UBI).

21.   Political inefficiencies and problems

An entirely new science-based political system is introduced: Countries, regions and organizations are essentially led like the most efficient corporations are led nowadays.

22.   Bubbles and ensuing crashes

Speculation is forbidden, all value/prices are calculated based on objective criteria based on supply chain, costs and benefit created.

23.   Permitting or not prosecuting unethical deeds and business

Everything that is unethical is forbidden, detected and prosecuted with the help of AI regarding all aspects.

24.   Victimization by divide and conquer, fears, mass psychosis induction, individualization and distractions

Clear laws for media and communication, public information portals with complete information required.

25.   Accepting mediocrity/low quality, laziness, brushing things/people off, partial or half-baked solutions and abuse of power leading to bigger failures or damage

Reward based on the end result (net benefit value) not based on how somebody seems to try. Public figures are publicly assessed.

26.   Many countries do not have enough inter-generational justice and/or are overaging and consequently run into financial trouble

Around 50% of the GDPs would be shifted away from speculation, marketing, sales etc. towards net beneficial activities which frees gigantic financial and personnel resources. The causes for having fewer children will be removed like bringing families out of poverty, having to work less, having more time to find partners and to interact with possible partners in many more ways (doing many things together: learning, spare time activities, acting/theatre, brainstorming, psychology sessions, group sessions, ...). No generation is allowed to live beyond their means, i.e. to use up more resources than they create.

We could collaborate as follows:

1.       Collectively bring this model or parts of it (e.g. measures to reduce/avoid significant recessions) into publications, discussions and discourses, e.g. via joint social media marketing.

2.       Jointly applying for funding to develop and test technologies still needed or adapt existing technologies to the new challenges.

3.       Testing the model together on a small scale, e.g. online collaboration on the Internet to create and sell digital goods such as software, rights, digital art.

4.       Proposing or sharing the model with decision makers in politics and business.

5.       Of course, we would be pleased if you would review the model yourself or have it reviewed by other experts in order to possibly improve it further. As you can see from the scope and quality of the model, this has already been done several times. We would be happy to publish about it together.

6.       We would appreciate your support that this is a model that should be discussed. Could you publicly recommend discussion of this model? This model has already been reviewed by over 100 experts and found to be feasible.

7.       You could help present our model as a possible baseline model and ask for improvement. It can be implemented directly in a timely manner, thus addressing the urgency of the current problems. Furthermore, it lists many concrete measures, especially in the area of bottom-up implementation (section 5.7). Thus, together we can grow beyond the current war of marketing teams and narratives and bring about concrete massive changes.

Here is the core overview (shortened) of the new PerConFlow socio-economic model:


Detailed paper:


[1] https://www.stockholmresilience.org/research/research-news/2022-01-18-safe-planetary-boundary-for-pollutants-including-plastics-exceeded-say-researchers.html, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.est.1c04158

[2] German idiom: „ein Amt bekleiden“ = hanging one’s suit or jacket on a chair corresponding to a public function without actually having to work or bear responsibility.

[3] Also in elections, as Cambridge Analytica & co showed regarding Brexit and Trump 2016.

[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_road_to_hell_is_paved_with_good_intentions

[5] https://www.finanzen.net/nachricht/private-finanzen/rentenreform-studie-ohne-reformen-droht-bei-der-rente-finanzielle-not-10759638

[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grit_(personality_trait)#cite_note-Rimfeld2016-13

More details:


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Articles of Potentialism: A peaceful scientific Movement of the political Middle proposing a Strategy towards a maximally ethical high-tech Future


Senior AI Expert: I have 20 years‘ AI, NLP & computer vision work experience, mainly as CEO and IT architect. I offer (co)investments, business contacts.